A Volunteer!!
“Volunteers don’t necessarily have time, but they have heart. As Volunteer, you will learn not just more about the needs of others, you will also learn more about your own needs and you will discover that in helping other, you help yourself most of all. A Volunteer can be anybody. There is no age limit to begin a volunteer, no preferred categories, no salary specification, no special degree or work experience. All that is required is a dedication to the cause, sincerity about the work that one in doing and commitment to a regular and sustained efforts with the organisation.” – MAHATAMA GANDHIEveryone of us, at some time in our life feels like contributing towards the betterment towards the society. But among the various obstacles faced by many of us in doing so, are limitations pretraning to time. In order to tackle these and give you the opportunity to support our cause of uplifing underprevileged society of India. D.O.F. has made volunteers/members provisions that will give you the freedom to spread our message without disturbing your scheduale.
हम में से हर कोई, अपने जीवन में एक समय समाज की बेहतरी के लिए अपना योगदान देने के इच्छुक होते है। लेकिन हममें से कई लोग समय की कमी के कारण उत्पन्न बाधाओं की वजह से ये करने से वंचित रह जाते है । इन्ही समस्याओं से निपटने के लिए और आपको भारत के कमजोर समाज के उत्थान के हमारे इस पुनीत कार्य में भागीदार बनने और समर्थन करने का अवसर संस्था आपको देती है । डिफेंडर्स ऑफ़ फेथ में आपके नियत कार्यक्रमों को बिना अव्यवस्थित स्वयंसेवक/सदस्य के रूप कार्य करने का प्रावधान है।
Let’s build the better world together.
Lalit Khatri
Hemant Jangid
Vice president
Saumya Singh Raghuvanshi
Mool Shankar Pareek
Vice Secratary
Rahul Ranjan
Work Executive (Work Inspector)
Saurabh Sharma
Kushal Soni
Legal Advisor
Prateek Joshi
Marketing Incharge
Vikas Pathak
Media Incharge
Jagdish Berwa
City Head - Jaipur
Anupam Mishra
City Head - Ajmer
Ankush Mittal
City Head -Hanumangarh
Not decided
City Head - Kota
Not decided
IT Head